Story Maps

Timelapse animation of Colombo, Sri Lanka from 2001 to 2021 (Video)


The evolution of Colombo harbor and Colombo port city seen from space using a timelapse animation of annual Landsat imagery (2001 to 2021). 

Satellite image - Landsat TM-ETM-OLI Surface Reflectance.
RGB band combination - SWIR1/NIR/Red

NIR – water absorbs almost all light at the wavelength this makes the water bodies appear very dark. The contrasts with the soil and vegetation bright reflectance make it a good band for the definition of water/land interface.

SWIR1 – This band is very sensitive to moisture and is, therefore, it is used to indicate and monitor the vegetation and soil moisture in the image.

Red – vegetation absorbs almost all the red light in the band. It is used to distinguish between soil and vegetation and also vegetation health. (Source -

Coding -

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